While The Pimps and Midway Monsters cruise to an impressive 4-0, we have the Jesters at the other end. 0-4. Ouch. An 0-4 start is a brutal way to start the season. So the questions are: Are they really this terrible..and can this winless start be overcome?

Power rankings also show that they aren’t bottom feeders:

So, we can see the Jesters really aren’t terrible. They’ve suffered from some underperforming and some bad start/sits.
As for the playoffs, a record of 7-5 can easily make it in. In fact, 6-6 records have also made it in the past, if their scoring were high enough. Given that their scoring is middle of the pack at this point, they are not completely out of playoff possibilities. They will have to ride a major winning streak an lose a maximum of 1-2 more games…but crazier things have happened! Good luck.