Through 2 weeks, The Pimps and Midway Monsters remain undefeated. These two don’t face each other until Week 7. Is…
33 – Deja Vu
Week 2 is complete and we already have a 2nd team hit 33 points. Congrats Kim P. This is certainly…
Peyton Manning & The Pimps Break Record
The Pimps #1 Draft Pick paid off immediately in Week 1. Peyton Manning tossed the ball for 462 yards and…
Eagles Hit 33
In their Week 1 matchup with the Washington Redskins, the Philadelphia Eagles took a 33-7 lead early in the 3rd…
2013 Draft In The Books
Here we are. The season is upon us. Draft day arrived and the Toilet Bowl Chumps (Irish Pride) just happened…
2013 Signups are open
[message_box title=”UPDATE” color=”red”]Signups are now closed. Good luck to everyone who is competing this season!![/message_box] Here is a brief breakdown…
2013 Fantasy Football Keeper List
Here we are. The 2013 Fantasy Football Keeper List. Below is a breakdown for each team and their options for…
Fantasy Champs
It’s official! The Sons of Anarchy are our 2012 Fantasy Football Champions. They knock out the GB Gamblers with a…