by TheCommish in
Fantasy Football News

Welcome to a major milestone everyone. This year we will be kicking off the 20th season of Crunchtime Fantasy Football. Yeah, 20 years! Throughout the season, we will be posting some milestones, records, tidbits of our storied past. Stay tuned for this.

New For 2019

We have one very notable change in the league. Hosting. ESPN has won exclusive hosting rights to run season 20 of Crunchtime. Sites battled it out for this honor, and ESPN came up with a lucrative package that couldn’t be turned down.

Even though the league will be hosted on ESPN, this website will still be active. This will be a central hub for all things football. You will always be able to click right to our leagues and pools from the front page. This will also be used for historical purposes all well (stats/photos/stories).

Please send me the email that you wish to use for the ESPN league. I will send your invite there.

Draft Day

This is a no brainer. Same day and time as nearly the last 2 decades. Labor Day Weekend: Sunday, September 1st at Noon. If you have not confirmed your attendance on the facebook event page, please contact the commish.


The keeper list has been posted. View the article.

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One Comment

 by wehadababyitsaboy in August 6, 2019


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