by TheCommish in
33 News Crunchtime News Pool News

We’re now 4 weeks into our Survivor Pool.  Out of the 51 players that entered, here are the stats:

[button width=”full” color=”green” align=”center” font=”0″ font_weight=”bold” radius=”5″  icon=”momizat-icon-smiley”]23 Perfect[/button][button width=”full” color=”yellow” align=”center” font=”0″ font_weight=”bold” radius=”5″ icon=”momizat-icon-neutral”]15 with one miss[/button][button width=”full” color=”red” align=”center” font=”0″ font_weight=”bold” radius=”5″ icon=”momizat-icon-sad”]13 Eliminated[/button]

Nearly half the pool is still perfect, but all it takes is one big upset to completely decimate the pool.  ..and that time is certainly nearing.  Choose wisely, and good luck!


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