So, Week 2 happened and I’m pretty sure we went 5-0 in our pregame predictions. ..No need to fact check that! We’re just that good.

GB Gamblers, Irish Pride, and Darque Warriors move on to 2-0. Strong start for these 3, while the Midway Monsters, Jesters, and Top Dawgs fall to 0-3.
Congrats Bashers on your first win. And apologies to The Pimps and JoeBuckYourself on your first losses. But come on, you guys weren’t going undefeated….especially The Pimps. I mean, look at your team. lololol
This past week brought us meaning to the word DAMN. It can be used in many ways, whether positive or negative. So, let’s take a look at a few of the uses that were in action this week.

When your team scores 165.24 points. It’s an eye-popping, nearly jump out your seat damn.
This is what TacoMan9000 put up against the Jesters, which is the 5th highest score of ALL TIME! He had big help from Alvin Kamara, who scored 43 points on his own!

The “sly” damn. It’s when your team wins by 0.50 Points.
The Darque Warriors battled it out with The Pimps all the way until the end of Monday Night Football to beat them by a score of 81.96 – 81.46. Both would have lost to 7 other teams this week with that score, but it doesn’t matter. A wins a win. …and for The Pimps. …ouch, a loss is a loss.

The regretful, sullen damn.
We’ve all been there before. It’s when you start the wrong player. ..If you just switched your roster one more time, you would have won. This happened to the Top Dawgs this week, when they started Rachaad White over Malik Nabers. That 17 point difference in their scores would have been enough for the Dawgs to take down the Irish Pride.
Oh, this is the angry one! It’s when you go 0-2 on the season.
Jesters, Top Dawgs, and Midway Monsters fell to 0-2 this week. Things aren’t going right. The train is falling off the tracks. There’s still plenty of time to get things right. Right?

When you don’t even have the strength to reach a real damn.
It’s what happened to Joe Buck Yourself in week 2. He scored the lowest points in the league with 61.6 points. He had 4 players score 1.3 points or less. Meow.
On the bright side, they are sitting at 1-1 and are still right in the middle. Was that a 1-week anomaly? Or is this their new normal?