A bit late, a bit short, but the 2024 content begins.
So…..Week 1 happened. Football returned and it was great. …well, for 5 teams it was even better. The champ started his “Defend The Title Tour” off with a win. In fact, 3 out of the 4 playoff teams from last year started out with a win (Irish, Pimps, Joe Buck Yourself). Only the Midway Monsters stumbled out of the gate. I guess it’s probably a bad omen when your #1 pick is face down and in handcuffs to start the day. Oof.
Speaking of bad omens, how bout the Scallywags. They drafted the dude on the Madden cover with their #1 pick. How’d you think that was gonna work out? …Please return soon, Mr. McCaffrey!
On a brighter note, the league finally remembered that we’re supposed to beat down the new guy and give him loss after loss. …unlike last years debacle of Joe Buck Yourself parading through the league with 10 regular season wins. Sorry Tacoman, we’re gonna need to kick you around for a bit!
week 1 AWARDS
stay tuned
Keep an eye out for upcoming content. Weekly matchup previews will be returning very soon, along with other hard hitting reporting from the league office.